Special Offer!
Website Design
for your Business!
On your Website
Here is short insight of what will be included in such type of website, based on example.
Push your Company Image to the next level and give it the look that it deserves with the homepage designed to reflect your brand.
Let it be the tool to bring more contacts from potencial clients.
We will put there:
- Contact form with appealing Call to Action to drive more customers
- Your promoted services and outcome they produce
- Work, you are most proudful
- Your Clients Testimonials
- All about Services you are providing
- Matched Photos, graphics
- Everything nicely and smartly implemented for the best user experience
- Your work divided into categories.
- Beatuifull, intuitive galleries
- Your client will see your professional side.
- Contact info
- Map with location of your Business
- Contact form
About Your
Story of your company , you mission and values so your customers could better know you and your business.
What else?
Speed optimized website build on premium theme with premium stock resources, required functionalities like contact forms, maps, galleries, optimized for search engines.
Premium Website Templates
Customized for your individual requirements
Great Quality Stock Photos
Related to your business and making your site more appealing and trustable
Easy Content Management
With WordPress on board, the most popular CMS in the world, every page can be easily updated
Optimized for Speed and Responsive
Each page of your website will be optimized to load fast and perfect on every device
Optimized for Search Engines
Your site will be optimized to be easily findable in google and other search engines.
Optimized for generating leads
Website made with goal to generate leads, calls, contacts, so you could focus on just bringing there trafic, is will be like another sells person in the team.
Design Examples.
Here are some premade examples that we can use as a base to website development. It is only a part of accessible resources.
Those templates allows to optimize cost and time of website development and gives broad range of design styles and different business needs.
How it works
From your goals discovering, through strategic planning to development and optimization.
Collecting Data
Purpose of the business website is to be visible for your clients. It is a form of advertisment, but also gives your customers opportunity to get know you better, your services, your work and information how to contact with you and where to find you.
We need all of those kind of informations and materials that will help us better understand your business and create great website for you, so we will ask you to fill in a form and send us content for pages like about us, services, projects/portfolio/work and contact informations.
Analize and Plan
Based on data from you we will find a great premium theme and send you a demo website with dummy content so you could accept it.
We will create wireframes for each page to show you how the website will be structured.
Website Build
Based on all those things from step 1 and 2 we will create website with all the pages and make sure that it will look great on desktops, tablets and mobiles.
When website will be ready we will give you access, so you could see it and accept how it looks like.
Website Delivery & Optimization
After website will be accepted, we we will put it on right hosting and connect it to the domain.
When it will be live, we will optimize it to work fast on your hosting.
Don’t worry if you don’t understand this step, we will cover it for you if necessary.
Get Your New Website
Start with leaving a short message. We will get back to you with bunch of question about your website goals and requirements so we could create successfull website.
Lets start now!